Grinding and Abrasive Materials Business

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Grinding and Abrasive Materials Business Product Photo

Our powder business with the trademark Nisso Rundum has been known to our customers for more than half a century, and its main application is grinding and polishing. We have wide selection of products from coarse particles to ultrafine powder made from silicon carbide powder and alumina powder as a comprehensive manufacture of abrasive powder.

Our silicon carbide products and alumina products are used for grinding wheels and coated abrasives, refractory bricks, fine ceramics, and raw materials for semiconductor manufacturing component in diversified sectors. Their applications have recently been expanded into new fields, such as base materials for ceramic filters, raw materials for composite materials with metals (MMC: Metal Matrix Composites), and raw materials for SiC power devices.

Major Products and Applications

Series Products Main Products and Commercial Products Main Applications
Silicon Carbide Products Silicon Carbide for Grinding and Polishing Black Silicon Carbide
Grinding Wheels, Coated Abrasives, Blast
Green Silicon Carbide
Grinding Wheels, Grinding of Cement Carbide, Electric Heating Elements, Fine Powder
Silicon Carbide for Refractory Products Black Silicon Carbide RC General Refractory Products, Kiln Furniture, Column Plates for Sintering
Silicone Carbide Fine Powder RC Fine Powder Various Grinding Wheels, Coated Abrasives
Silicon Carbide Ultrafine Powder Green Silicon Carbide Ultrafine Powder GMF-S Kiln Furniture, Raw Materials for Sintering, Base Materials for Ceramic Filters
High-Purity Green Silicon Carbide GMF-H High-Purity Raw Materials for Sintering, Mechanical Seals, Semiconductor Heat Processing Components, Raw Materials for Power Devices
Alumina Products Alumina for Grinding and Abrasive Materials White Fused Alumina
Grinding Wheels, Coated Abrasives, Blast
Pink Fused Alumina
Grinding Wheels, Coated Abrasives
Alumina for Refractory Products White Fused Alumina
Iron and Steel, Kiln Furniture, Filler for High Temperatures
Hollow Sphere Fused Alumina
For Heat Retention/Heat insulation
Fused Alumina Mullite
Coating Material, Powder Filler for High Temperatures
Low Sodium Fused Alumina Fine Powder Low Sodium Fused Alumina Fine Powder
Special Refractory Products, Electric Insulation Parts, Resin Insulators, Encapsulants

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