Environmental Policy

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ISO 14001


Diversified environmental problems surrounding the only one earth are recognized as common and serious issues faced by human beings.

The Company aims to become a global company and thus obtained the international standard ISO 14001 certification for environmental activities in October 1999 so that people at home and abroad will recognize the Company as environmental-friendly. (Certified areas: (1) design and manufacture of silicon carbide and alumina powder; (2) design and manufacture of high purity silicon carbide ceramics; (3) manufacture of semiconductor related materials.) We will conduct pro-environmental activities from the stages of development and design of products, improve the environment continuously, and endeavor to make the Company better.

Environmental Policy

Basic Philosophy

Pacific Rundum Co., Ltd., recognizing that global environmental conservation is one of the most important issues common to human beings, shall behave in consideration of the protection of the environment in every business activity under the slogan,“The Conservation of the Global Environment Entirely Rests on Everyone's Behavior.”

Action Guidelines

  1. The Company, in consideration of developing and producing a variety of different grinding and abrasive grains, refractory materials, fine ceramics materials, and high-purity silicon carbide ceramic components and providing fiber optics communication components as reliable products not only in Japan but also abroad, facilitates the following environmental conservation activity in order to contribute to global environmental conservation and the improvement of the regional living environment.
  2. The Company accurately perceives the effect of its business activities, defines the environmental purposes and targets to the extent that is technically and economically feasible, revises them on a regular basis, improves the environment continuously, and prevents contamination of the environment without fail.
  3. The Company abides by the requirements of environmental laws, regulations, and agreements; moreover, the Company endeavors to improve the level of environmental conservation by establishing voluntary control standards to the extent possible.
  4. As priority problems, the company works on the following issues on a priority basis.
    1. Implements recycling based on reducing waste and sorting trash.
    2. Promotes the saving of energy and recourses.
    3. Works to reduce the use of chemicals.
    4. Promotes afforestation on the premises and aims to become an environment-friendly enterprise.
  5. In order that all the employees understand and comply with the Environmental Policy, the Company aims to fully disseminate the policy through internal communication activities and environmental education. Also, we notified related companies and business partners involved in our business and ask for their understanding and cooperation.
  6. The Company recognizes our locational conditions, facilitates effective communication with interested parties in the living environment of neighboring districts, and conducts reliable business activities.
  7. The Environmental Policy may be released upon request or depending on other needs.

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